Saturday, March 22, 2014

TBall season has begun for Ty!

He is on his first team sport at age 3!  He just made the cut off since he turns 4 in April!  He is so excited and I am looking forward to see how he does!

He pretends he is Dash from The Incredibles!

Shoe is on the other foot with her having to sit and watch!

He hits it!!!

Cousin TIme!

Cousin Time!  

Baylee's first taekwondo tournament

We entered Baylee in her first Taekwondo tournament for forms and sparring! Chad did it too!

Baylee won first in her forms for her age!  YAY!!!!

Baylee Basketball 2014

Baylee loves basketball..because her daddy is the coach! We played at Longview Heights this year and the kids really got better and better as the season went on! Very proud of this girl and please excuse my loud yelling obnoxious voice!

Ty's First Taekwondo testing

Ty has begun Taekwondo and got to test for his yellow belt! He was so proud of himself since he has been watching Baylee for so long!!!