Saturday, November 2, 2013

Halloween 2013

Halloween was a success!  Ty didn't make up his mind until about 6:00...he started as Lightnin McQueen, then changed into Superman, then once he got a shield, he decided on Captain America!

And look who was Mr. Incredible!

This was what he was for school - and Baylee stayed at Snow!

Nana visit

It has been way too long since we had seen Nana that my kids were pretending to call her on the phone!  She is missed and will never know the influence she has had on my two kiddos!!  We had a good visit just before Halloween!

Church Play Day for Ty's class

We made it to the Orchard Fellowship play day with Ty's preschool class!  Brenly and Avery joined us and it was a lot of fun.  Trying to get plugged in to our church is not easy - but this was a start!

Cedar Hill Farm Field Trip

Ty had his first field trip with Faith Preschool and I made it!  So glad I could see him interact with his friends and meet some parents from his class!

One of his favorites!

Playin in the dirt was his favorite!


Zip line and swing time!

Carving Pumpkins with CC and D

Just beginning!

Ty's Hulk face!

Snow and Lightnin'

Aerial, Painted Strawberry, Snow, Lightning, Painted Hulk

It was a huge success!!